Monday, October 3, 2011

New Reviews in JHS, 2010/2011

1. Anderson, Gary A., Sin: A History (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 2009). (Reviewed by Micah D. Kiel).

2. Annus, Amar and Alan Lenzi, Ludlul bēl nēmeqi:
The Standard Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer
(State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts, 7; Publications
of the Foundation for Finnish Assyriological Research, 2;
Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2010).

REVIEW ARTICLE. (Reviewed by Victor Avigdor Hurowitz).

3. Barrick, W. Boyd, BMH as Body Language: A Lexical and
Iconographical Study of the Word BMH When not a Reference to
Cultic Phenomena in Biblical and Post-Biblical Hebrew
(LHBOTS, 477; London, New York: T&T Clark, 2008). (Reviewed
by Elizabeth Hayes).

4. Bernat, David A., Sign of the Covenant: Circumcision in
the Priestly Tradition (Ancient Israel and its Literature 3;
Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009). (Reviewed by
Trent C. Butler).

5. Bosworth, David A., The Story within a Story in Biblical
Hebrew Narrative (CBQMS, 45; Washington D.C.: Catholic
Biblical Association of America, 2008). (Reviewed by Shannon

6. Cotrozzi, Stefano, Expect the Unexpected: Aspects of
Pragmatic Foregrounding in Old Testament Narratives (LHBOTS,
510: New York: T & T Clark, 2010). (Reviewed by Krzysztof J.

7. Crane, Ashley S., Israel's Restoration: A
Textual-Comparative Exploration of Ezekiel 36–39 (VTSup,
122; Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2008). (Reviewed by Iain M.

8. Day, John (ed.), Prophecy and the Prophets in Ancient
Israel (LHBOTS, 531; New York: T & T Clark, 2010). (Reviewed
by J. Todd Hibbard).

9. Fischer, Stefan, Das Hohelied Salomos zwischen Poesie und
Erzählung: Erzähltextanalyse eines poetischen Textes
(FAT, 72; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2010). (Reviewed by
Matthias Hopf).

10. Fleming, Daniel E. and Sara J. Milstein, The Buried
Foundation of the Gilgamesh Epic: The Akkadian Huwawa
Narrative (CM, 39; Leiden: Brill, 2010). (Reviewed by Scott
C. Jones).

11. Grabbe, Lester L. (ed.), Israel in Transition: From Late
Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 B.C.E.) Volume 1. The
Archaeology (LHBOTS, 491; ESHM, 7; New York: T&T Clark,
2008). (Reviewed by Trent C. Butler).

12. Nakhai, Beth Alpert (ed.), The World of Women in the
Ancient and Classical Near East (Newcastle upon Tyne:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008). (Reviewed by Elaine T.

13. Green, Deborah A. and Laura S. Lieber (eds.), Scriptural
Exegesis: The Shapes of Culture and the Religious
Imagination, Essays in Honour of Michael Fishbane (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2009). (Reviewed by William A.

14. Hadjiev, Tchavdar S., The Composition and Redaction of
the Book of Amos (BZAW, 393; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009).
(Reviewed by Matthieu Richelle).

15. Hagedorn, Anselm C. and Henrik Pfeiffer (eds.), Die
Erzväter in der biblischen Tradition: Festschrift für
Matthias Köckert (BZAW, 400; Berlin, de Gruyter, 2009).
(Reviewed by Christophe Nihan).

16. Halvorson-Taylor, Martien, Enduring Exile: The
Metaphorization of Exile in the Hebrew Bible (VTSup, 141;
Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2011). (Reviewed by John Ahn).

17. Holmstedt, Robert D., Ruth: A Handbook on the Hebrew
Text (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2010). (Reviewed by
Anthony R. Pyles).

18. Horsley, Richard A. (ed.), In the Shadow of Empire:
Reclaiming the Bible as a History of Faithful Resistance
(Louisville, Ky.: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2008).
(Reviewed by Jonathan Bernier).

19. Janse, Sam, "You are My Son": The Reception History
of Psalm 2 in Early Judaism and the Early Church
(Contributions to Biblical Exegesis & Theology, 51; Leuven:
Peeters, 2009). (Reviewed by Scott C. Jones).

20. Jones, Scott C., Rumors of Wisdom: Job 28 as Poetry
(BZAW, 398; Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009).
(Reviewed by August H. Konkel).

21. Klauk, Hans-Josef, B. McGinn, P. Mendes-Flohr, C.-L.
Seow, H. Spieckermann, B.D. Walfish, E. Ziolkowski (eds.)
Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception:
Aaron–Aniconism (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter,
2009). (Reviewed by Stephen Westerholm).

22. Knoppers, Gary N., and Kenneth A. Ristau (eds.),
Community Identity in Judean Historiography: Biblical and
Comparative Perspectives (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns,
2009). (Reviewed by Steven J. Schweitzer).

23. KUSATU (Kleine Untersuchengen zur Sprache des Alten
Testaments und seiner Umwelt) 8.9 (2008). 11 2011 Westbrook,
Raymond and Bruce Wells, Everyday Law in Biblical Israel: An
Introduction (Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox, 2009).
(Reviewed by John Cook).

24. Meer, Michaël van der, Percy van Keulen, Wido van
Peursen, and Bas ter Haar Romeny (eds.), Isaiah in Context:
Studies in Honour of Arie van der Kooij on the Occasion of
his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (VTSup, 138; Leiden/Boston: Brill,
2010). (Reviewed by J. Blake Couey).

25. Moberly, R. W. L., The Theology of the Book of Genesis
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009). (Reviewed by
Tim Stone Greenport).

26. Nicklas, Tobias, Friedrich V. Reiterer, and Joseph
Verheyden (eds.), The Human Body in Death and Resurrection
(Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature, Yearbook 2009;
Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009). (Reviewed by Anke

27. Oswald, Wolfgang, Nathan der Prophet: Eine Untersuchung
zu 2Samuel 7 und 12 und 1Könige 1 (ATANT, 94; Zurich:
Theologischer Verlag, 2008). (Reviewed by Jürg Hutzli).

28. Petterson, Anthony R., Behold Your King: The Hope for
the House of David in the Book of Zechariah (LHBOTS, 513;
New York: T & T Clark, 2009). (Reviewed by Anna Suk Yee

29. Russell, Stephen C., Images of Egypt in Early Biblical
Literature: Cisjordan-Israelite, Transjordan-Israelite, and
Judahite Portrayals (BZAW, 403; Berlin: Walter de Gruyter,
2009). (Reviewed by Safwat Marzouk).

30. Smith, Mark S., God in Translation: Deities in
Cross-Cultural Discourse in the Biblical World (Grand
Rapids, Mich./Cambridge,UK: William B. Eerdmans, 2010).
(Reviewed by Michael W. Duggan).

31. Smith, Richard G., The Fate of Justice and Righteousness
During David's Reign: Narrative Ethics and Rereading the
Court History According to 2 Samuel 8:15–20:26 (LHBOTS,
508; New York, NY: T&T Clark, 2009). (Reviewed by Adam

32. Tebes, Juan Manuel, Centro y Periferia en el mundo
antiguo: El Negev y sus interacciones con Egipto, Asiria, y
el Levante en la Edad del Hierro (1200-586 a.C.) (Ancient
Near East Monographs, 1; 2nd ed.; Buenos Aires/Atlanta: SBL
& CEHAO, 2008). (Reviewed by Romina Della Casa).

33. Tooman, William A. and Michael A. Lyons (eds.),
Transforming Visions: Transformations of Text, Tradition,
and Theology in Ezekiel (Princeton Theological Monograph
Series, 127; Eugene, Oreg.: Pickwick, 2010). (Reviewed by
Jason Gile).

34. Trebolle Barrera, Julio and Susana Pottecher, Job
(Madrid: Trotta, 2011). (Reviewed by Andrés Piquer Otero).

35. Tuckett, Christopher (ed.), Feasts and Festivals
(Contributions to Biblical Exegesis & Theology, 53; Leuven:
Peeters, 2009). (Reviewed by Peter Altmann).

36. Vialle, Catherine, Une analyse comparée d'Esther TM et
LXX: Regard sur deux récits d'une même histoire (BETL,
233; Leuven: Peeters, 2010). (Reviewed by Veronika

37. Webster, Brian L., The Cambridge Introduction to
Biblical Hebrew with CD-ROM (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2009). (Reviewed by H. Daniel Zacharias).

38. Westbrook, Raymond and Bruce Wells, Everyday Law in
Biblical Israel: An Introduction Louisville, Ky.:
Westminster John Knox, 2009). (Reviewed by David P. Wright ;
reviewed by Victor H. Matthews).

To access all published reviews directly please go to

Also, I am glad to announce that JHS is now offering
hypertext/ hyperlinked versions of all articles and reviews
published from 1996 to 2009 (inclusive of 2009). We are
currently working to include versions of the 2010/2011
articles and reviews.


Christophe Nihan

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