Monday, June 3, 2013

Journal of Theological Studies 64/1 (25 April 2013)

Record 1.
TI: Orders of Discourse and the Function of Obedience in the Hebrew Bible
AU: Kelly, Joseph Ryan
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 1-24(24)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 2.
TI: When Cicero and St Paul Agree: Intra-Group Litigation Among the Luperci and the Corinthian Believers
AU: Edsall, Benjamin
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 25-36(12)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 3.
TI: Artemis of Ephesus
AU: Hooker, Morna D.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 37-46(10)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 4.
TI: A New Edition of NestleAland, Greek New Testament
AU: Elliott, J. Keith
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 47-65(19)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 5.
TI: Ignatius Statements of Self-Sacrifice: Intimations of an Atoning Death or Expressions of Exemplary Suffering?
AU: Kirk, Alexander N.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 66-88(23)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 6.
TI: Do Crosses Walk and Talk? A Reconsideration of Gospel of Peter 10.3942
AU: Foster, Paul
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 89-104(16)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 7.
TI: Melito Peri Pascha: Corrections and Revisions
AU: Hall, Stuart G.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 105-110(6)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 8.
TI: The Synod of Ancyra (358) and the Question of the Sons Creaturehood
AU: Fairbairn, Donald
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 111-136(26)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 9.
TI: Scripture as One Book: Origen, Jerome, and Cyril of Alexandria on Isaiah 29:11
AU: Crawford, Matthew R.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 137-153(17)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 10.
TI: The Preface and Subject Matter of Cyril of Alexandrias De Adoratione
AU: Crawford, Matthew R.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 154-167(14)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 11.
TI: YHWH Elohim. A Survey of Occurrences in the Leningrad Codex and their Corresponding Septuagintal Renderings. By Bruce J. Harvey.
AU: Millard, A. R.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 168-170(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 12.
TI: Sacrifice, Scripture, and Substitution: Readings in Ancient Judaism and Christianity. Edited by Ann W. Astell and Sandor Goodhart.
AU: Finlan, Stephen
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 170-172(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 13.
TI: The Lives of Ordinary People in Ancient Israel: Where Archaeology and the Bible Intersect. By William G. Dever.
AU: Auld, Graeme
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 173-174(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 14.
TI: All Roads Lead to the Text: Eight Methods of Inquiry into the Bible. By Dean B. Deppe.
AU: Dell, Katharine J.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 175-177(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 15.
TI: From Fratricide to Forgiveness: The Language and Ethics of Anger in Genesis. By Matthew R. Schlimm.
AU: Kaminsky, Joel
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 177-179(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 16.
TI: Jacob and the Divine Trickster: A Theology of Deception and Yhwhs Fidelity to the Ancestral Promise in the Jacob Cycle. By John E. Anderson.
AU: Lang, Bernhard
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 180-183(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 17.
TI: The Decalogue in Jewish and Christian Tradition. Edited by Henning Graf Reventlow and Yair Hoffman.
AU: Davies, Graham
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 183-185(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 18.
TI: The Strata of the Priestly Writings: Contemporary Debate and Future Directions. Edited by Sarah Schectman and Joel S. Baden.
AU: Davies, Graham
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 185-187(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 19.
TI: The Violent Gift: Traumas Subversion of the Deuteronomistic Historys Narrative. By David Janzen.
AU: Poser, Ruth
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 187-189(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 20.
TI: On Conditionals in the Greek Pentateuch: A Study of Translation Syntax. By Anwar Tjen.
AU: Salvesen, Alison G.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 189-191(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 21.
TI: What Was Authoritative for Chronicles? Edited by Ehud Ben Zvi and Diana V. Edelman.
AU: Auld, Graeme
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 191-193(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 22.
TI: New Perspectives on EzraNehemiah: History and Historiography, Text, Literature, and Interpretation. Edited by Isaac Kalimi.
AU: Southwood, Katherine E.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 193-196(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 23.
TI: Understanding Wisdom Literature: Conflict and Dissonance in the Hebrew Text. By David Penchansky.
AU: Dell, Katharine J.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 196-198(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 24.
TI: Wisdom Literature. By John Kampen.
AU: van der Kooij, Arie
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 198-200(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 25.
TI: The Labor of Job: The Biblical Text as a Parable of Human Labor. By Antonio Negri. Trans. by Matteo Mandarini.
AU: Jones, Scott C.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 201-203(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 26.
TI: Psalms as Torah: Reading Biblical Song Ethically. By Gordon J. Wenham.
AU: Gillingham, Susan
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 203-207(5)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 27.
TI: Jeremiah (Dis)placed: New Directions in Writing/Reading Jeremiah. Edited by A. R. Pete Diamond and Louis Stulman.
AU: Tollerton, David C.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 207-208(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 28.
TI: Vetus Latina: Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel 6/2 Esra 1. Fascicule 13. Edited by Bonifatia Gesche.
AU: Elliott, J. Keith
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 209-214(6)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 29.
TI: Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testament: Manuscript, Patristic, and Apocryphal Evidence. Edited by Daniel B. Wallace.
AU: Houghton, H. A. G.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 214-216(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 30.
TI: The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context. By Michael Peppard.
AU: Morgan, Teresa
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 216-218(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 31.
TI: Christ and Caesar: The Gospel and the Roman Empire in the Writings of Paul and Luke. By Seyoon Kim.
AU: Edsall, Ben
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 219-221(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 32.
TI: Finding the Historical Christ. By Paul Barnett.
AU: Sandford, Michael
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 221-224(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 33.
TI: Jesus and his Own: A Commentary on John 1317. By Daniel B. Stevick.
AU: Lincoln, Andrew T.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 224-225(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 34.
TI: The Reshaped Mind: Searle, the Biblical Writers, and Christs Blood. By Lace Marie Williams-Tinajero.
AU: Potter, R. L.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 226-227(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 35.
TI: Getting Saved: The Whole Story of Salvation in the New Testament. Edited By Charles H. Talbert and Jason A. Whitlark.
AU: Hardin, Justin K.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 227-230(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 36.
TI: The Apostle Paul in the Jewish Imagination: A Study in Modern JewishChristian Relations. By Daniel R. Langton.
AU: Cuff, Simon L.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 230-231(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 37.
TI: Les Deux Lettres Timothe. La lettre Tite. By Michel Gourgues.
AU: Verheyden, Joseph
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 232-234(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 38.
TI: The Letter of James. By Scot McKnight.
AU: Ellis, Nicholas
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 234-236(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 39.
TI: The Oxford Handbook of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Edited by Timothy H. Lim and John J. Collins.
AU: Williamson, H. G. M.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 236-239(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 40.
TI: Antike christliche Apokryphen in deutscher bersetzung. Vol. 1: Evangelien und Verwandtes. Edited by Christoph Markschies and Jens Schrter, in collaboration with Andreas Heiser.
AU: Heath, Jane
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 239-243(5)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 41.
TI: Jesus Tradition in the Apostolic Fathers. By Stephen E. Young.
AU: Tuckett, Christopher
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 243-246(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 42.
TI: The Arch-Heretic Marcion. By Sevastian Moll.
AU: Lieu, Judith M.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 247-250(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 43.
TI: A Diognte: Visions chrtiennes face lempire romain. Actes de la journe dtude du GSEP du 24 novembre 2007. Edited by Gabriella Aragione, Enrico Norelli, and Flavio G. Nuvolone.
AU: Hall, Stuart G.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 250-252(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 44.
TI: Perpetuas Passions: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis. Edited by Jan N. Bremmer and Marco Formisano.
AU: Downing, F. Gerald
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 252-255(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 45.
TI: From Logos to Trinity: The Evolution of Religious Beliefs from Pythagoras to Tertullian. By Marian Hillar.
AU: Edwards, M. J.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 255-257(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 46.
TI: Sin: The Early History of an Idea. By Paula Fredriksen.
AU: Lssl, Josef
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 257-260(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 47.
TI: The Gendered Palimpsest: Women, Writing, and Representation in Early Christianity. By Kim Haines-Eitzen.
AU: Kao, Fiona
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 260-262(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 48.
TI: Les Forces du bien et du mal dans les premiers sicles de lglise: Acts du colloque de Tours, septembre 2008. Edited by Yves-Marie Blanchard, Bernard Pouderon, and Madeleine Scopello.
AU: Meredith, Antony
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 263-264(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 49.
TI: Il Commento a Matteo di Origene: Atti del X Convegno di Studi del Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su Origene e la Tradizione Alessandrina (Napoli 2426 settembre 2008). Edited by Teresa Piscitelli.
AU: Edwards, M. J.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 264-265(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 50.
TI: Constantine: Dynasty, Religion and Power in the Later Roman Empire. By Timothy Barnes.
AU: Hunt, David
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 266-269(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 51.
TI: Lexicon Gregorianum: Wrterbuch zu den Schriften Gregors von Nyssa. Volumes 18. Compiled by Friedhelm Mann.
AU: Wickham, L. R.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 269-269(1)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 52.
TI: Transformed in Christ: Christology and the Christian Life in John Chrysostom. By Ashish J. Naidu.
AU: Verhoeff, Maria
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 270-272(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 53.
TI: Peuple prophtique et nation tmoin: Le peuple juif dans le Contra Faustum manichaeum de saint Augustin. By Alban Massie.
AU: Finn, Richard
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 272-276(5)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 54.
TI: Interpreting the Bible and Aristotle in Late Antiquity: The Alexandrian Commentary Tradition between Rome and Baghdad. Edited by Josef Lssl and John W. Watt.
AU: Ashwin-Siejkowski, Piotr
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 276-279(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 55.
TI: Clothed in the Body: Asceticism, the Body and the Spiritual in the Late Antique Era. By Hannah Hunt.
AU: Urbainczyk, T.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 279-281(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 56.
TI: Apophasis and Pseudonymity in Dionysius the Areopagite: No Longer I By Charles M. Stang.
AU: Arthur, Rosemary A.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 281-283(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 57.
TI: Activity and Participation in Late Antiquity and Early Christian Thought. By Torstein Theodor Tollefsen.
AU: Zecher, Jonathan L.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 283-287(5)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 58.
TI: Jean Damascne: La foi orthodoxe 144 and 45100. Critical text by B. Kotter. Introduction, translation, and notes by P. Ledrux with V. Kontouma-Conticello and G. M. de Durand.
AU: Louth, Andrew
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 287-289(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 59.
TI: Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era c. 680850: A History. By Leslie Brubaker and John Haldon.
AU: Louth, Andrew
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 289-293(5)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 60.
TI: The Cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium: Texts and Images. Edited by Leslie Brubaker and Mary B. Cunningham.
AU: Panagopoulos, Spyros P.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 293-295(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 61.
TI: How to Correct the Sacra Scriptura? Textual Criticism of the Bible between the Twelfth and Fifteenth Century. By Cornelia Linde.
AU: Evans, G. R.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 296-297(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 62.
TI: Lptre de Jacques dans sa tradition dexgse. Edited by Matthieu Arnold, Gilbert Dahan, and Annie Noblesse-Rocher.
AU: Evans, G. R.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 297-298(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 63.
TI: Guillaume de Saint-Thierry: Expos sur lptre aux Romans. Tome I. Livres IIII. Text by Paul Verdeyen, SJ.
AU: Evans, G. R.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 298-299(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 64.
TI: Willelmi Meldunensis Monachi Liber super Explanationem Lamentationum Ieremiae Prophetae. Edited by Michael Winterbottom and Rodney E. Thomson.
AU: Ward, Benedicta
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 299-300(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 65.
TI: Francis of Assisi: A New Biography By Augustine Thompson
AU: Brooke, Christopher N. L.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 300-303(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 66.
TI: Are You Alone Wise? The Search for Certainty in the Early Modern Era. By Susan E. Schreiner.
AU: Methuen, Charlotte
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 304-307(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 67.
TI: Richard Hooker and Anglican Moral Theology. By A. J. Joyce.
AU: Brydon, Michael
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 307-309(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 68.
TI: John Locke: Vindications of the Reasonableness of Christianity. Edited by Victor Nuovo.
AU: Pailin, David A.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 309-312(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 69.
TI: Philosophy and Religion in Enlightenment Britain: New Case Studies. Edited by Ruth Savage.
AU: Pailin, David A.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 312-315(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 70.
TI: Blakes Jerusalem as Visionary Theatre: Entering the Divine Body By Susanne M. Sklar
AU: Burdon, Christopher
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 315-318(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 71.
TI: Rudolf Bultmann: Eine Biographie. By Konrad Hammann.
AU: Morgan, Robert
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 318-320(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 72.
TI: Rudolf Bultmann/Martin Heidegger: Briefwechsel 19251975. Edited by Andreas Gromann and Christof Landmesser.
AU: Morgan, Robert
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 320-321(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 73.
TI: Reinhold Niebuhr and Contemporary Politics: God and Power. Edited by Richard Harries and Stephen Platten.
AU: Cowan, David
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 322-324(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 74.
TI: Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology. Edited by Gabriel Flynn and Paul D. Murray.
AU: Elliott, Mark W.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 324-328(5)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 75.
TI: Cavell, Companionship, and Christian Theology. By Peter Dula.
AU: McGhee, Michael
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 328-330(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 76.
TI: Le christianisme comme religion de lvangile. By Claude Geffr.
AU: OLeary, Joseph S.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 330-333(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 77.
TI: LOffre universelle du salut en Christ. By Emmanuel Durand.
AU: OLeary, Joseph S.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 333-335(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 78.
TI: Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church. By Darrin W. Snyder Belousek.
AU: Castelo, Daniel
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 335-337(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 79.
TI: The Common Good and the Global Emergency: God and the Built Environment. By T. J. Gorringe.
AU: Elliott, Mark W.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 337-341(5)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 80.
TI: Persons, Power, and Pluralities: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Culture. By Eric G. Flett.
AU: Yuen, Alfred H.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 341-342(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 81.
TI: God, Goodness and Philosophy. Edited by Harriet A. Harris.
AU: Pailin, David A.
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 343-351(9)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 82.
TI: How Free Will Works: A Dualist Theory of Human Action. By Steven M. Duncan.
AU: Sturch, Richard
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 352-353(2)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 83.
TI: Where the Conflict really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism. By Alvin Plantinga.
AU: Holder, Rodney
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 353-356(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 84.
TI: Bridge to Wonder: Art as a Gospel of Beauty. By Cecilia Gonzlez-Andrieu.
AU: Evens, Jonathan
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 356-359(4)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 85.
TI: The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology. Edited by Ian A. McFarland, David A. S. Fergusson, Karen Kilby, and Iain R. Torrance.
AU: Munchin, David
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 359-361(3)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

Record 86.
TI: Books Received
JN: Journal of Theological Studies
PD: 25 April 2013
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 362-383(22)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-5185
Click on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.

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