Monday, February 27, 2023

Journal of Semitic Studies 68/1

The Akkadian Expression Lā Watar 
Ilya Arkhipov
Amorite Names through Time and Space 
J Caleb Howard
Ascending to Jerusalem: On Spatial Cognition, Ideology and Language in the Hebrew Bible 
Adriaan Lamprecht
Remarks on a New Aramaic Incantation Bowl IM 77781 
Ali Faraj
The Descent of Iauar to the World of Darkness: A Mandaic Amulet on a Lead Lamella (MLSC 2) 
Matthew Morgenstern ; Ohad Abudraham
The Second Canonization of the Qur'ān: A Review Article 
Tareq Moqbel
Debuccalization in Gulf Pidgin Arabic: OT Parallelism or Harmonic Serialism 
Mufleh Alqahtani; Mohammad Almoaily
The Phonology of the Judaeo-Arabic Dialect of Gabes (Southern Tunisia) 
Wiktor Gʁbski
The Neo-Aramaic Dialect Spoken by the Christians of Marga (Şirnak, Southeastern Turkey) 
Paul M Noorlander
The Gutturals in North Argobba: An Etymological Evaluation 
Maria Bulakh
Towards a Better Understanding of the Ḥarsusi Language 
Aaron D Rubin
Alexander Borg, Rewriting Dialectal Arabic Prehistory. The Ancient Egyptian Lexical Evidence 
Letizia Cerqueglini
Nick Posegay, Points of Contact: The Shared Intellectual History of Vocalisation in Syriac, Arabic, and Hebrew 
Benjamin Suchard
Josef Tropper and Rebecca Hasselbach-Andee, Classical Ethiopic. A Grammar of Gəʕəz 
Maria Bulakh
Karin C. Ryding and David Wilmsen (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Arabic Linguistics 
Maris Camilleri

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