Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Journal of Theological Studies 74/1

Oxford Academic
New issue alert
The Journal of Theological Studies  
Volume 74 Issue 1
April 2023
Isaiah 36–39: Life and Death in The House of God 
Gregory Goswell
The Secretary: Enslaved Workers, Stenography, and the Production of Early Christian Literature 
Candida R Moss
Ordering Gospel Textuality in the Second Century  
Jeremiah Coogan; Jacob A Rodriguez
Oil of Gladness and the Immortal High Priest in Hebrews 
Justin Duff
Jude The Obscure: The Letter of Jude and The Enochic Heritage 
James M Scott
The Date of Codex Sinaiticus: Revisiting Milne and Skeat's Numerical Argument 
Zachary J Cole
Chromatius vs. Jerome: The Origenist Controversy Reconsidered  
Michael Hanaghan
Presbyters as Priests and Clerics: Terminology in the Letters of Innocent I 
Geoffrey D Dunn
Fabricating the Fall of Satan: Revelation 12:7–9 and its Interpretation in Early Christianity 
Cristian Cardozo Mindiola
Why Aquinas Should Have Held That One May Intentionally Tell A Falsehood to an Unjust Aggressor 
Alan Vincelette
On Knowing and Unknowing God: Reason and Mysticism in the Armenian Theologian Gregory of Tatev 
Ruth M Gornandt
Is God's Triunity Constituted by His Decision for Election? Barth and the Current Discussion 
Paul D Molnar
The Biblical World. Second edition. Edited by Katharine J. Dell 
Kirsi Cobb
In All the Scriptures: The Three Contexts of Biblical Hermeneutics. By Nicholas G. Piotrowski 
Roy Ciampa
Joshua, Judges, Ruth. Edited by N. Scott Amos 
Alison Gray
How Prophecy Works: A Study of the Semantic Field of נביא and a Close Reading of Jeremiah 1:4–19, 23:9–40 and 27:1–28:17. By William Kelly 
Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer
Wrestling with Job: Defiant Faith in the Face of Suffering. By Bill Kynes and Will Kynes 
Ellie M Wiener
Vetus Latina: Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel, 14/1: Danihel. Fascicule 1: Introduction, Dn 13,1–10; Fascicule 2: Dn 13,11–64; 1,1–3,17; Fascicule 3: Dn 3,18–4,24; Fascicule 4: Dn 4,25–8,7; Fascicule 5: Dn 8,8–fin. Index. Edited by Jean-Claude Haelewyck 
J K Elliott
Visions and Violence in the Pseudepigrapha. Edited by Craig A. Evans, Brian LePort, and Paul T. Sloan 
Elizabeth Stell
The Corinthian Correspondence: Redaction, Rhetoric, and History. By Frank W. Hughes and Robert Jewett 
Philip F Esler
Tatian's Diatessaron: Composition, Redaction, Recension, and Reception. By James W. Barker 
Nicholas J Zola
The Evil Creator: Origins of an Early Christian Idea. By M. David Litwa 
Judith M Lieu
Apollinaris of Laodicea: Metaphrasis Psalmorum. Edited and Translated by Andrew Faulkner 
Silke-Petra Bergjan
Chrysostom's Devil: Demons, the Will, and Virtue in Patristic Soteriology. By Samantha L. Miller 
Maria Verhoeff
Augustine on the Will: A Theological Account. By Han-luen Kantzer Komline 
Gerald P Boersma
Augustine, prédicateur de la Trinité: La Trinité dans l'histoire du salut et dans la vie du chrétien selon ses Sermones ad Populum. By Kolawole Chabi 
Richard Finn, OP
Augustine and Tradition: Influences, Contexts, Legacy. Edited by David G. Hunter and Jonathan P. Yates 
Dominic Keech
Arator: Historia Apostolica. Translated with an introduction and notes by Richard Hillier 
David Woods
The Virgin Mary in Byzantium, c.400–1000: Hymns, Homilies and Hagiography. By Mary B. Cunningham 
Andrew Louth
Deification Through the Cross: An Eastern Christian Theology of Salvation. By Khaled Anatolios 
Joshua R McManaway
Cistercian Stories for Nuns and Monks: The Sacramental Imagination of Engelhard of Langheim. By Martha Newman 
Henrietta Leyser
Richard Rolle: On Lamentations. A Critical Edition with Translation and Commentary. Edited by Michael Van Dussen 
Santha Bhattacharji
Between Scholarship and Church Politics: The Lives of John Prideaux, 1578–1650. By John Maddicott 
Mary Morrissey
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher: Kritische Gesamtausgabe, II, 12: Vorlesungen über die Pädagogik und amtliche Voten zum öffentlichen Unterricht. Edited by Jens Beljan, Christiane Ehrhardt, Dorothea Meier, Wolfgang Virmond, and Michael Winkler 
Clive Marsh
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher: Kritische Gesamtausgabe, V, 12: Briefwechsel 1811–1813 (Briefe 3561–3930). Edited by Simon Gerber and Sarah Schmidt 
Clive Marsh
Vatican I: The Council and the Making of the Ultramontane Church. By John W. O'Malley 
Judith Champ
Protestant Theology and Modernity in the Nineteenth-Century Netherlands. By Arie L. Molendijk 
Nathaniel Gray Sutanto
Kaiser, Christ, and Canaan: The Religion of Israel in Protestant Germany, 1871–1918. By Paul Michael Kurtz 
Christoph Bultmann
Liberale Theologie heute – Liberal Theology Today. Edited by Jörg Lauster, Ulrich Schmiedel, and Peter Schüz. 
Clive Marsh
God in Himself: Scripture, Metaphysics and the Task of Christian Theology. By Steven J. Duby 
Robert C Fennell
Divine Agency and Divine Action. Volume 4: A Theological and Philosophical Agenda. By William J. Abraham 
Terry J Wright
Metaphors of Eucharistic Presence: Language, Cognition, and the Body and Blood of Christ. By Stephen R. Shaver 
David Grumett
Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Pacifism, Just War, and Peacebuilding. By Lisa Sowle Cahill 
Daniel L Smith-Christopher
Christ and the Common Life: Political Theology and the Case for Democracy. By Luke Bretherton 
Angus Ritchie

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