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Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Journal of Theological Studies 72/2
Volume 72 Issue 2
October 2021
Acedia, 'Bourgeois Ennui', and Kingship in the Hebrew Bible and
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Ekaterina E Kozlova
Why are Jews Forbidden to Eat Meat and Milk Together? the Function of Eating Restrictions in Human Societies
Eran Viezel
Nir Avieli
Victory as Defeat: Narrative Subversion of Omride Strength in 1 Kings 20
Cat Quine
G. R. Driver's Contribution to Neb's Translation of Psalms 51–100
Ben Clackson
'He Gave to Adam Knowledge': A Competing Creation Tradition in Early Judaism and Early Christianity
Eric R Montgomery
'God has had Mercy on Me': Theology and Soteriology in Philo of Alexandria's
de Sacrificiis Abelis et Caini
Scott D Mackie
The Jewishness of Luke–Acts: Locating Lukan Christianity Amidst the Parting of The Ways
David Andrew Smith
'Blessed is the One who Stands in the Beginning' (L. 18): Revisiting Protological Eschatology in the
Gospel of Thomas
Simon J Joseph
'Heaven-Bound Dung Beetles': Gregory of Nazianzus and the Ordination of Slaves in the Early Church
Justin M Pigott
Arnobius' Scythians and the Dating of
Adversus Nationes
Mattias Gassman
Karl Barth and
Nostra Aetate
: New Evidence from the Second Vatican Council
Daniel M Herskowitz
Reading with the Grain of Scripture
Wesley Thomas Davey
The Bible in Crime Fiction and Drama: Murderous Texts
. Edited by
Caroline Blyth
Alison Jack
John Barton
Has Archaeology Buried the Bible?
William Dever
Walter J Houston
The Textual Basis of English Translations of the Hebrew Bible
. By S. C.
J K Elliott
Opening Israel's Scriptures.
Kirsi Cobb
A Historical Theology of the Hebrew Bible.
Konrad Schmid
Katharine J Dell
The Old Testament Is Dying: A Diagnosis and Recommended Treatment
. By
Brent A. Strawn
Katharine J Dell
Violent Rituals of the Hebrew Bible
. By
Saul Olyan
Pekka Pitkänen
The Performative Dimensions of Rhetorical Questions in the Hebrew Bible: Do You Not Know? Do You Not Hear? By
Jim Adams
Katherine E Southwood
The Greek of the Pentateuch: Grinfield Lectures on the Septuagint 2011-2012. By
John A. L. Lee
John Screnock
Sennacherib's Campaign Against Judah: A Source Analysis of Isaiah 36–37
. By
Dan'el Kahn
Isaac Kalimi
Psalms Book 2: An Earth Bible Commentary: "As a Doe Groans"
. By
Arthur Walker-Jones
Katharine J Dell
Water and Water-Related Phenomena in the Old Testament Wisdom Literature: An Eco-Theological Exploration.
Kivatsi Jonathan Kavusa
Katharine J Dell
Job: A New Translation
. Translated by Edward Greenstein
Patricia Vesely
Job: From Lament to Penitence
. By
Alexander Breitkopf
Katharine J Dell
Job's Body and the Dramatized Comedy of Moralising. By Katherine E. Southwood
Katharine J Dell
Wise and Foolish Love in the Song of Songs. By
Jennifer Andruska
Stefan Fischer
Death and Divine Judgment in Ecclesiastes.
Kumiko Takeuchi
Arthur Jan Keefer
United in Exile, Reunited in Restoration: The Chronicler's Agenda
. By
Jordan Guy
Isaac Kalimi
Vetus Latina: Die Reste Der altlateinischen Bibel. 7/2: Judith
, Fascicules 2–7
Edited by Pierre-Maurice Bogaert and Jean-Claude Haelewyck
H A G Houghton
Scribal Practice, Text and Canon in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Essays in Memory of Peter W. Flint
. Edited by
Collins and Ananda Geyser-
Ariel Feldman
Before the Bible.
Judith Newman
Sebastian Selvén
Demons of Change: Antagonism and Apotheosis in Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism.
Andrei Orlov
Travis W Proctor
Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity
. Edited by
Matthew Novenson
Crispin Fletcher-Louis
Empire, Economics, and the New Testament
. By
Peter Oakes
(with a forward by
Bruce Longenecker
Rachel Coleman
For Your Sake He Became Poor: Ideology and Practice of Gift Exchange between Early Christian Groups.
Georges Massinelli
Hunter Brown
Divine Bodies: Resurrecting Perfection in the New Testament and Early Christianity.
Candida R. Moss
Erin M Heim
Resurrection Logic: How Jesus' First Followers Believed God Raised Him from the Dead.
Bruce D. Chilton
Steven Edward Harris
Empty Tomb, Resurrection, Apotheosis
. By
John Cook
Glenn B Siniscalchi
The Doubt of the Apostles and the Resurrection Faith of the Early Church: The Post-Resurrection Appearance Stories of the Gospels in Ancient Reception and Modern Debate
. By J. D.
Glenn B Siniscalchi
Is Jesus Athene or Odysseus? Investigating the Unrecognisability and Metamorphosis of Jesus in his Post-Resurrection Appearances
. By
Max Whitaker
Glenn B Siniscalchi
Luke/Acts and the End of History
. By
Kylie Crabbe
Julie Newberry
John: History, Community, and Ideology.
Francisco Lozada Jr
Benjamin E Reynolds
History of the Pauline Corpus in Texts, Transmissions and Trajectories: A Textual Analysis of Manuscripts from the Second to the Fifth Century
. By
Chris Stevens
Benjamin Laird
Reading Romans with Roman Eyes: Studies on the Social Perspective of Paul
. By
James Harrison
Nina Nikki
Participating in Christ: Explorations in Paul's Theology and Spirituality.
David A deSilva
Scripture Re-envisioned: Christophanic Exegesis and the Making of a Christian Bible. By
Bogdan Gabriel Bucur
Adrian N Guiu
Writing the History of Early Christianity: From Reception to Retrospection
. By
Markus Vinzent
Ilaria L E Ramelli
The Church of Antioch and the Eucharistic Traditions (ca. 35–130 CE)
. By
Amiel Drimbe
Alistair C Stewart
The Coherence of "Gnosticism". By
Einar Thomassen
Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski
Valentinian Christianity: Texts and Translations.
Translated by
Geoffrey S. Smith
Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski
How the Spirit Became God: The Mosaic of Early Christian Pneumatology
. By
Kyle Hughes
. Foreword by
Matthew Bates
Janet Sidaway
Die Prologtexte zu den Psalmen von Origenes und Eusebius.
Edited by
Cordula Bandt
Franz Xaver Risch
, and
Barbara Villani
Samuel Pomeroy
Origeniana Duodecima: Origen's Legacy in the Holy Land—A Tale of Three Cities: Jerusalem, Caesarea and Bethlehem. Proceedings of the 12th International Origen Congress, Jerusalem, 25–29 June, 2017
. Edited by
Brouria Bitton-
Oded Irshai
Aryeh Kofsky
Hillel Newman
, and
Lorenzo Perrone
Joseph S O'Leary
Visions and Faces of the Tragic: The Mimesis of Tragedy and the Folly of Salvation in Early Christian Literature
. By
Josef Lössl
Greek and Latin Letters in Late Antiquity: The Christianisation of a Literary Form
. By
Pauline Allen
Bronwen Neil
Carolinne White
Art, Craft, and Theology in Fourth-Century Christian Authors By
Morwenna Ludlow
Elena Ene Draghici-Vasilescu
Breaking the Mind: New Studies in the Syriac
Book of Steps. Edited by
Kristian S. Heal
Robert A. Kitchen
Marcus Plested
Jérôme: Commentaire sur Daniel
. Introduction, text, translation, notes, and index by
Régis Courtray
Michael Winterbottom
The Catechumenate in Late Antique Africa (4
Centuries) : Augustine of Hippo, His Contemporaries and Early Reception
. By
Matthieu Pignot
Richard Finn, OP
Le ministère sacerdotal dans la tradition syriaque primitive
. By
Tanious Bou Mansour
Nathan Witkamp
The History of John the Son of Zebedee: Introduction, Texts, and Translations
. By
Jacob Lollar
Alistair C Stewart
The Life of the Syrian Saint Barsauma: Eulogy of a Hero of the Resistance to the Council of Chalcedon.
Translated by
Sebastian P Brock
The Cross in the Visual Culture of Late Antique Egypt
. By
Gillian Spalding-
Elizabeth S Bolman
The Rise of Christian Theology and the End of Ancient Metaphysics: Patristic Philosophy from the Cappadocian Fathers to John of Damascus
. By
Johannes Zachuber
Joseph S O'Leary
De l'image à l'Image: Réflexions sur un concept clef de la doctrine de la divinisation de Saint Maxime le Confesseur
. By
Elie Ayroulet
Andrew Louth
St Theodore the Studite's Defence of the Icons: Theology and Philosophy in Ninth-Century Byzantium
. By
Torstein Theodor Tollefsen
Andrew Louth
Petrus Abaelardus: Sermones
. Edited by
L. J. Engels and C. Vande Veire
Michael Winterbottom
Rupertus Tuitiensis: Anulus seu dialogus de sacramentis fidei
. Edited by A.
Michael Winterbottom
Gregory Palamas: The Hesychast Controversy and the Debate with Islam
. Translated with an introduction and notes by
Norman Russell
Alexandros Chouliaras
Regensburg Article 5 on Justification: Inconsistent Patchwork or Substance of True Doctrine?
N. S.
Timothy J Wengert
John of the Cross: Desire, Transformation, and Selfhood
. By
Sam Hole
Edward Howells
Richard Hooker: The Architecture of Participation. By
Paul Anthony Dominiak
T L Holtzen
The Covenant of Works: The Origins, Development, and Reception of the Doctrine
. By J. V.
Harrison Perkins
Jesus in an Age of Enlightenment: Radical Gospels from Thomas Hobbes to Thomas Jefferson
. By
C. P.
David Horkott
The Heart of Dogmatics: Christology and Christocentrism in Herman Bavinck
. By
Bruce Pass
Donald K McKim
God and Knowledge: Herman Bavinck's Theological Epistemology
. By
Nathaniel Gray Sutanto
Donald K McKim
The Holy Spirit as Communion: Colin Gunton's Pneumatology of Communion and Frank Macchia's Pneumatology of Koinonia
. By I.
Leon Harris
Terry J Wright
The God Who Acts in History: The Significance of Sinai
. By
Craig Bartholomew
Terry J Wright
Providence: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Account
. By
Mark W. Elliott
Terry J Wright
Multiverse Deism: Shifting Perspectives of God and the World
. By
Leland Royce Harper
Rodney Holder
The Reconstruction of Resurrection Belief. By
Peter Carnley
Andrew T Loke
History and Eschatology: Jesus and the Promise of Natural Theology
. By
N. T. Wright
John Frederick
God in a Single Vision: Integrating Philosophy and Theology
. By
David Brown
. Edited by
Robert Mac
Andrew Moore
Remorse: A Christian Perspective
. By
Anthony Bash
Joseph S Spoerl
Wondrously Wounded: Theology, Disability, and the Body of Christ.
Brian Brock
Joanna Collicutt
A Christian's Guide Through the Gender Revolution: Gender, Cisgender, Transgender, and Intersex. By
Vincent E. Gil
Robin Gill
The Oxford Handbook of Russian Religious Thought
. Edited by
Caryl Emerson, George Pattison, and Randall Poole
Hugh Wybrew
Books Received
Books Received: (of which space precludes the publication of a review)
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