Saturday, January 29, 2022

Criswell Theological Review: Fall 2021

Criswell Theological Review
Fall 2021: Analytic Theology
Jan 28th 2022, 20:28, by Everett Berry

One fascinating dynamic of biblical and theological studies occurs when innovative approaches to academic inquiry and specialized areas of research converge. At times, this trend can help scholars examine the complexities of Christian doctrines more effectively. Currently, the discipline known as Analytic Theology is proving to be a prime example of this. Many theologians across the denominational spectrum are using the tools of analytic philosophy to address a wide assortment of issues. So much so that in recent years, a journal is now dedicated to the topic (The Journal of Analytic Theology) and numerous books and anthologies continue to be produced on the subject. It is for these reasons that we are devoting our Fall 2021 edition of CTR to this topic.

Our lead article is written by Christopher Woznicki who currently is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. Woznicki addresses a longstanding dilemma about whether Penal Substitutionary Atonement requires the acceptance of universalism or limited atonement. Woznicki probes this issue by examining T. F. Torrance's views on the atonement and concludes that one can affirm penal substitution as well as unlimited atonement while still rejecting universalism.

Our second article is by Steven Nemes who is currently an independent scholar who also serves as a Latin Instructor at North Phoenix Preparatory Academy in Phoenix, AZ. His article argues that it would be advantageous for Protestants to use elements of phenomenology in the development of their critiques against Roman Catholic views of theological infallibility.

The third article is written by James Arcadi who is Associate Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL. Arcadi uses select elements from the fourteenth-century methodological approach of declarative theology and an element in analytic philosophy known as the Extended Mind thesis to argue that the elements of the Eucharist can legitimately be identified as Christ's body in a "literal" sense. Arcadi makes this case to offer an alternative view that challenges Baptist theologian Millard Erickson's symbolic view of the Eucharist.

The fourth article is provided by James McGlothlin who is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis, MN. McGlothlin interacts with Jonathan Edward's thoughts
on ethics as expressed in his work The Nature of True Virtue to show how his reasoning reflects an analytic-style approach to theological inquiry.

Our fifth entry is by Jason McMartin who is Associate Professor of Theology for the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University in La Mirada, CA. McMartin engages and critiques the view of anthropological Monism as currently advocated by New Testament scholar Joel Green.

Our sixth article is written by Christopher Stephenson who is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Lee University in Cleveland, TN. Stephenson discusses ways in which analytic theology can be combined with theological insights garnered by the postliberal tradition for the purpose of further exploring Pentecostal theology and piety.

The seventh article is offered by Joshua Thurow who is Associate Professor of Philosophy for the University of Texas at San Antonio, TX. Thurow argues that one way to navigate the complexities of historic views of the atonement is to use the concept of reconciliation as a means of encapsulating what these diverse perspectives claim the atonement achieves.

The eighth entry is provided by J. T. Turner who is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Anderson University in Anderson, SC. Turner engages a version of hard evolution recently advocated by Mark Mcleod-Harrison that
denies essentialism as it pertains to different kinds of species. Turner argues that such a proposal is antithetical to a biblical view of anthropology and uses the doctrine of Christology to support his case.

Finally, our ninth article is written by Mark Boone who is Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Hong Kong Baptist University in Hong Kong. Boone surveys the major works of Alvin Plantinga to show how the idea of Thomas Reid's common-sense realism undergirds much of his views on religious epistemology.

Following these articles are thirteen book reviews that inform readers about works which can improve their theological libraries. Also remember that past issues of CTR can be accessed online at Your local university or seminary can provide you with a password.

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