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Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Journal of Theological Studies 72/1
Volume 72 Issue 1
April 2021
Unmarried Lovers in the Song of Songs
J L Andruska
The Role of Lexical Collocation in Luther's Translation of עָמָל (
) in Eccl. 1:3
Andrew J Niggemann
Redrafting the Architecture of Daniel Traditions in the Hebrew Scriptures and Dead Sea Scrolls
Andrew B Perrin
How Did Esau Die? On Jewish–Gentile Relations in Pseudepigrapha and Rabbinic Literature
Noah Hacham
Justification by Faith in Christ or Faithfulness of Christ? Updating the
Debate in Light of Paul's Use of Scripture
B J Oropeza
Religious 'Slogans' in 1 Corinthians: Wit, Wisdom, and the Quest for Status in a Roman Colony
Paul A Holloway
The Descent into Hell: Its Origin and First Development
Jonathan Knight
Tatian's Diatessaron: The Arabic Version, the Dura Europos Fragment, and the Women Witnesses
Mina Monier
Joan E Taylor
Did Marcion Call the Creator 'God'?
M David Litwa
Ante Litteram
in Origen's
Peri Archōn
Pui Him Ip
'The Faithful Remnant of the True Church of England': Susanna Hopton and the Politico-Theology of the Nonjuring Schism
Simon Lewis
Australian Colonial Anglican Bishops and the Eucharist: Broughton, Perry, and Nixon
Brian Douglas
Inseparable Operations, Trinitarian Missions, and the Necessity of a Christological Pneumatology
Torey J S Teer
Biblical Interpretation and African Traditional Religion: Cross-Cultural and Community Readings in Owamboland, Namibia
. By
Helen C. John
T K Mapfeka
Demons and Spirits in Biblical Theology: Reading the Biblical Text in Its Cultural and Literary Context.
John H. Walton
J. Harvey Walton
Thomas J Farrar
The Sons of God in Genesis 6:1–4: Analysis and History of Exegesis
. By
J. J. T. Doedens
Michaela Bauks
Metaphorical Landscapes and the Theology of the Book of Job: An Analysis of Job's Spatial Metaphors
. By
Johan de Joode
Suzanna R Millar
Every Good Path: Wisdom and Practical Reason in Christian Ethics and the Book of Proverbs
. BY
Andrew Errington
Suzanna R Millar
Esther in Diaspora: Toward an Alternative Interpretive Framework.
Tsaurayi Kudakwashe Mapfeka
David G Firth
Septuagint, Targum and Beyond: Comparing Aramaic and Greek Versions from Jewish Antiquity
Edited by David Shepherd, Jan Joosten, and MIchaël van der Meer
W Edward Glenny
The Firstborn Son in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity: A Study of Primogeniture and Christology.
Kyu Seop Kim
Phillip Munoa
Methodology in the Use of the Old Testament in the New: Context and Criteria
. Edited by
David Allen
Steve Smith
Will Kynes
The New Testament and Intellectual Humility
. By
Grant Macaskill
Anna Kerstin Reussner
The Gospel as Manuscript: An Early History of the Jesus Tradition as Material Artifact
. By
Chris Keith
Christopher W Skinner
Scribal Harmonization in the Synoptic Gospels.
Cambry G. Pardee
James W Barker
How the Gospels Became History: Jesus and Mediterranean Myths
. By
M. David Litwa
J R C Cousland
Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond: Essays in Honor of R. Alan Culpepper.
Edited by
Mikeal C. Parsons, Elizabeth Struthers Malbon
, and
Pau N. Anderson
Nathan L Shedd
John the Baptist in History and Theology
. By
Joel Marcus
Nicholas J Ellis
Hidden Criticism of the Angry Tyrant in Early Judaism and the Acts of the Apostles
. By
Drew J. Strait
(Foreward by
David P. Moessner
Joshua W Jipp
The Apostolos: The Acts and Epistles in Byzantine Liturgical Manuscripts
. By
Samuel Gibson
Georgi Parpulov
Constructing Paul: The Canonical Paul
, Volume 1. By
Luke Timothy Johnson
David J Downs
Paul and Scripture.
Edited by
Stanley E. Porter
Christopher D. Land
W Edward Glenny
Paul and the Language of Faith
. By
Nijay Gupta
Chris Kugler
Reading Romans Within Judaism
By Mark Nanos
Nijay K Gupta
Romans: Three Exegetical Interpretations and the History of Reception
. Volume 1: Romans 1:1-32. By
Daniel Patte
James B Prothro
Jesus' Death and Heavenly Offering in Hebrews
. By
R. B. Jamieson
Michael Kibbe
Having the Spirit of Christ: Spirit Possession and Exorcism in the Early Christ Groups.
Giovanni Bazzana
Jennifer Eyl
Early Christianity in Asia Minor and Cyprus: From the Margins to the Mainstream
. Edited by
Stephen Mitchell
Philipp Pilhofer
Cédric Brélaz
The Egerton Gospel (Egerton Papyrus 2 + Papyrus Köln VI 255): Introduction, Critical Edition, and Commentary.
Lorne R. Zelyck
Daniel Sharp
Gottesrede: gesammelte Aufsätze von Erich Zenger zum jüdisch-christlichen Dialog
By Erich Zenger
. Edited by
Rainer Kampling
Ilse Müllner
Natalia Kowalski
, and
Johannes Schneider
Alastair G Hunter
The Didache: A Commentary
. By
Shawn J. Wilhite
. Foreword by
Clayton N. Jefford
Alistair C Stewart
The Slaves of the Churches: A History
. By
Mary E. Sommar
Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen
The Jews in the Teaching of Tertullian and Augustine
[in Hebrew]. By
David Rokeah
Oz Avraham Tamir
Bible and Poetry in Late Antique Mesopotamia: Ephrem's Hymns on Faith
. By
Jeffrey Wickes
Sebastian P Brock
Ambrose of Milan's On the Holy Spirit: Rhetoric, Theology and Sources
. By
Andrew Selby
Janet Sidaway
Gregory of Nazianzus' Soteriological Pneumatology
. By
Oliver B. Langworthy
Andrew Hofer, OP
The Donatist Church in an Apocalyptic Age
. By
Jesse A. Hoover
Matthieu Pignot
The Council of Ephesus of 431: Documents and Proceedings
. Translated by
Richard Price
Donald Fairbairn
The Christian Liturgical Papyri: An Introduction
. By
Ágnes T. Mihálykó
Maxwell E Johnson
Liberty in the Things of God: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom
. By
Robert Wilken
Peter Marshall
Calvin, the Bible, and History: Exegesis and Historical Reflection in the Era of Reform
. By
Barbara Pitkin
Jon Balserak
Richard Hooker, Beyond Certainty
. By
Andrea Russell
Torrance Kirby
Grace and Freedom: William Perkins and the Early Modern Reformed Understanding of Free Choice and Divine Grace
. By
Richard A. Muller
Lee Gatiss
Catholicity and the Covenant of Works: James Ussher and the Reformed Tradition
. By
Harrison Perkins
Lee Gatiss
A Gift from England: William Ames and His Polemical Discourse against Dutch Arminianism
. By
Takayuki Yagi
Donald K McKim
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher: Kritische Gesamtausgabe
, III, 10.
Predigten 1826–1827.
Edited by
Brinja Bauer
Ralph Brucker
Michael Pietsch
Dirk Schmid
, and
Patrick Weiland
Clive Marsh
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher: Kritische Gesamtausgabe
, III, 14.
Predigten 1833–1834. Einzelstücke. Addenda und Corrigenda zur III. Abteilung
. Edited by
Günter Meckenstock
Clive Marsh
Passion for Nothing: Kierkegaard's Apophatic Theology
. By
Peter Kline
Luke Tarassenko
Unearthly Beauty: The Aesthetic of St John Henry Newman
. By
Guy Nicholls
Peter Nockles
The Theology and Ecclesiology of the Prayer Book Crisis, 1906–1928
. By
Dan D. Cruickshank
Colin Buchanan
The Oxford Handbook of Karl Barth
. Edited by
Paul Dafydd Jones
Paul T. Nimmo
Donald K McKim
Unconscious Christianity in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Late Theology: Encounters with the Unknown Christ
. By
Eleanor McLaughlin
. Foreword by
Rowan Williams
Jennifer Moberly
Selfless Love and Human Flourishing in Paul Tillich and Iris Murdoch
. By
Julia T. Meszaros
Werner G Jeanrond
Luminescence: The Sermons of C. K. and Fred Barrett
. Edited by
Ben Witherington
III. Foreword to vol. 1 and introduction to vol. 3 by
Penelope Barrett Hyslop
Robert Morgan
In the Face of Death: Thielicke—Theologian, Preacher, Boundary Rider
. By
Fabian Grassl
. Forewords by
Timothy Wengert
Wolfram Thielicke
Vernon White
Participation in God: A Study in Christian Doctrine and Metaphysics
. By
Andrew Davison
Richard Cross
Investigating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: A New Transdisciplinary Approach
. By
Andrew Loke
Glenn B Siniscalchi
T&T Clark Handbook of Political Theology
. Edited by
Rubén Rosario Rodríguez
Lincoln R Rice
The Cry of the Poor: Liberation Ethics and Justice in Health Care
. By
Alexandre A. Martins
Lincoln R Rice
What is a Person? Realities, Constructs, Illusions
. By
John M. Rist
David Novak
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